
Threads used on the ferguson t20 hydraulic system
Threads used on the ferguson t20 hydraulic system

you can usually get about 800# on the rear lift before the front ends starts pointing skyward.

threads used on the ferguson t20 hydraulic system

due to the geometry and weight of a ford N or fergy. though will work with lighter UTF oils if there aren't too many leaks. system pressure is in the neighborhood of 1500-1700 psi, and 2.85 gpm. piston is free floating and pushes a dogbone which pushes a reciever on a rockshaft that spins in the top cover bores and moves the upper lift arms which are linked to the lower lift arms. pump sends fluid up thru a hyd standpipe in the front right side of the hyd section to the top cover which passes it to the cyl.

threads used on the ferguson t20 hydraulic system

has a control valve hooked to your lift handle, which is actually a control fork that fits' over a 'T' shaped valve on the pump.

Threads used on the ferguson t20 hydraulic system